Kirsten was very fast to say YES when I proposed her to ski this big summit Aiguille d'Argentière (3901 m) the day after.
We skied down from the top of the Grand Montets lift, and put the skins on for 1500 meters up.
The last part is a steep gully that we've hiked up and down with crampons.
Standing up there, sharing a very good and positive energy with you was such a great time of my skitouring season, Kirsten... Thank you !
Can't wait for the next adventure together !!!

Aiguille d'Argentière (3901 m), we've skied the big glacier on the right.

Kirsten and l'Aiguille Verte.

Reaching the summit !

Standing there, amazing !

Happy girls...

The summit ridge.

Skiing down Glacier du Milieu.