It sounds like a good idea to the K2 Skiers Lodge to give to these four ladies from Finland a girl to guide them. And yeah, it was !
I will definitly never forget this awesome week together in la Grave.
We've skied a lot, we've done some long mythical runs in la Grave, we've had adventures crossing rivers, we've laught, smiled, and said yayyyy all the time, we've talked like girls do in every single lift up, we've exchange compliments about the colour of our jackets, we've drinken beers and champagne... Well, we've enjoyed every minute of this amazing girly week !
Thank you Mari, Maria, Riikka and Pirja for all this perfect moments, thank you Tellu Tellervo for having sent to me the best choice of your club, thank the other skiers who sometimes shared our company and non-stop talking, and thank you la Grave for beeing so special, as usually...
A perfect fresh powder to begin the week in la Grave...
Maria charging in les Vallons de la Meije.
A lack of snow at Chancel entrance...
Riikka, Pirja, Mari, Maria and la Meije...
Pirja in the Banana gully.
One day in Serre Chavalier : climbing to la Cucucmelle at the end of the day.
The long run going down to St Christophe.
Spring skiing ?
La Voute, another long run with very steep sections and a rappel down.
The finnish way to end a good day of skiing !!!
On the glacier...
Riikka in Chirouze gauche, away from the crowds.
Mari looks like enjoying the powder turns in Chirouze gauche...
Riikka in Chirouze gauche.
Mountain skiing means also a lot of adventures...
Including rivers crossing !
The last day ski touring with a cold weather.
Col de l'Aiguillette, Serre Chevalier valley.
Mari and Maria telemarking !!!
And a funny way to finish the week : jetforce team !!!